Monday, 16 August 2010

Initial Students Valoration of the Project

Evaluation of the project activities already developed

1. Did you let your students live outdoor lessons in a natural environment, as it was planned?
Yes they did. We had two outdoor lessons, one in Celorio and one in Villaviciosa, which was a bit spoiled by the bad weather.

3. What kind of results did you get? They examined the landscape closely, used the vocabulary studied in class and enjoyed nature. We also prepare a book using some of the photos taken there.

4. Did you apply innovative strategy in your work? Yes we did

5. Describe them shortly: we prepare a kind of comic with the photos we got from the first Comenius visit. We need to scan pictures and text together to compose it, we also prepared a film with the photos. We also did the so called “Comenius cube”. The Maths teacher organized a workshop to prepare wooden cubes, design pictures etc. We prepared a Power point presentation with photographs of our most typical landscape. We bring you all these works to have a look.

6. Did you encourage students to apply their creativity? Yes we did. The students helped to do all the activities

7. How did you do this? In what kind of project activities? They helped to prepare the book about “nature and life”, helped to choose, cut, scan and prepare capitations for the comic and helped enthusiastically with the comic.

8. Do you think the competition on the Landscape cards has been interesting for students? Is their motivation to learn increased? Yes, we do. They enjoyed a lot creating the postcards, placing them on the web etc.

9. Did you and your students use ICT? Yes, we have used them for every activity

10. For what kind of work? We used a pc to download pictures from digital cameras, to choose the pictures, to write capitations, we used a scanner to scan, Power Point to prepare slides, a printer to print the photographies, a movie maker programme to create the movies etc.

11. Did your students find any difficulties to use internet tools? No, they didn’t because we helped them.

12. Do you think your language skill have been improved by the project activities? I am much better at working with Power point due to the abuse we did of this programme

13. if yes, specify which project field contributed to it. Preparing cards for the Landscape competition and for some Landscape presentations.

14. Do you think students language skills have been improved, too? Yes, we do

15. Specify how and when? They are much better using the Power Point and looking for information in the internet

16. Do you think the Comenius project has been useful for your motivation as teachers, too? Yes, it has. I, as a coordinator, am really enjoying this experience, even though it means hard work.

17. What about our cooperation? Has it been interesting? Really interesting

18. What about families? Have they been helpful to you? Some of the families have been a real help. They helped taking the students to the trip in Celorio, helped providing us with photographies for the Landscape presentation we did and they especially helped being interested in every activity we prepared.

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